Thursday Morning Wood

Posted by jdg | Thursday, December 21, 2006 |

From: Wood
To: Dutch
Date: 12/21/2006
Time: 9:20 a.m.
Subject: pee pee potty?

that baby is probably going to need to pee real soon, if she hasn't done it already. she had a lot of juice at breakfast. FYI.

From: Dutch
To: Wood

Date: 12/21/2006

Time: 9:24 a.m.

Subject: Re: pee pee potty?

just went!

From: Wood

To: Dutch

Date: 12/21/2006

Time: 9:28 a.m.

Subject: Re: pee pee potty?

really? did she go on the floor first, or straight into the pot? big or little? did you ask her if she needed to, or did she come up with it on her own?

From: Wood
To: Dutch

Date: 12/21/2006

Time: 10:17 a.m.

Subject: pee pee potty?

yo, write me back.

10: 45a.m., Wood calls Dutch's cell phone:

Dutch: Hi.

Wood: Hey, what are you guys doing? I just wanted to hear your voice.

Dutch: Here it is.

Wood: Sooooo? Did she pee in the potty on her own?

Dutch: She did, into her little one. I told her she did a good job and then asked if she wanted to wear big girl pants. She said she did, so I put them on her.

Wood: Wow! That's awesome! I'm totally going to owe you $100 if you have this kid potty trained by the new year.

Dutch: An hour later she peed all over the couch. There was a lot of pee. A lot.

Wood: Oh. Sometimes they forget when they're wearing the big girl pants. At least it wasn't your fancy chair.

Dutch: I've gotta go. I've got the couch cushion cover stripped off and it's all wet and I'm using your new hair dryer to dry the foam inside. She's watching Elmo's world while I clean it up. I think I only have a few minutes before it's over.

Wood: You're letting her watch what?

Dutch: I think this Mr. Noodle dude is totally high. Look at him, he's on the pot!