I never would have been cool or sexy enough to write for Nerve, but just by virtue of having impregnated my wife thirty months ago I am now apparently good enough to write for Nerve's new website, Babble, alongside my friends Metrodad, Dad Gone Mad, CityMama, Girls Gone Child, Jay Allen, Alisyn Cobb, Patti Nichols, and two people I've never heard of.
Today my first post is up at Babble's Strollerderby blog. It probably singlehandedly reveals that I am not cool enough to write for that site:
I must have also enjoyed screaming in people's ears and nodding in feigned comprehension at their screamed responses, because I sure spent a lot of evenings doing that, too. And I must have freakin' loved screaming at bartenders and then shelling out fifteen bucks for my wife's well martini and a pint of Anchor Steam four times every weekend night, because that's where a substantial portion of my take-home pay went during the years we spent under the tyranny of obligatory nightlife.