I have a new post up at Babble today. Does it count as satire when the subject is yourself?
She really loves all the hideous crap her grandparents gave her and she just bitches and moans when I take it all away from her. It's just like the time that Tibetan nanny we had for awhile allowed her to watch that show with the "TubbyTellies" or whatever they're called and then she wouldn't stop screaming for them every time I allowed her to watch the Baby James Joyce videos I'd bought for her. "Really, darling, don't you prefer the soothing visualization of the metaphysical journey of Stephen Dedalus on Sandymount Strand with the Stravinsky soundtrack to those stupid pudgy dancing British hill gophers?" I shouted at her to no avail. It took a great many weeks to wean her off those cursed TubbyTellies.