"Don't forget, she's supposed to be making stone soup at school today, so she needs to bring a vegetable."
"I packed carrots. She's wearing that apron dress with the carrot print, too."
"I'm even wearing that t-shirt you bought me for Christmas with the vegetables on it."
"So it's like a theme?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"You're like the stay-at-home dad version of the guy who wears the shirt of the band he's going to see. Don't be that guy."
"Whoa, I am that guy. If you ever catch me yelling 'freebird' at a class sing along, please put me out of my misery."
"I packed carrots. She's wearing that apron dress with the carrot print, too."
"I'm even wearing that t-shirt you bought me for Christmas with the vegetables on it."
"So it's like a theme?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"You're like the stay-at-home dad version of the guy who wears the shirt of the band he's going to see. Don't be that guy."
"Whoa, I am that guy. If you ever catch me yelling 'freebird' at a class sing along, please put me out of my misery."