So today while Dooce is on vacation she's letting me take over her site and pretend that millions of people care about what I have to say about poop. This is going to be almost as much fun as that time I cut out the album cover of No Jacket Required and pretended to be Sweaty Phil Collins for a day. Su-su-ssudio!
I decided that if I'm going to be Dooce for a day, I'd better do a whirlwind press junket. So I'm going to be at Detroit's NPR affiliate today at 11:15 for an appearance on Detroit Today. I spent an hour debating which shimmering scoop-necked blouse to wear, but then remembered nobody would be able to see my clothes on the radio. So I just put on the t-shirt that had the least dried baby vomit on the shoulders. And these adorable black pumps I picked up at DSW.
If you are not in the metro Detroit area with your radios tuned to 101.9FM, I will post a link to an mp3 of the show later today.
[the guest post on is here]