We're back from Austria. I will probably have a lot to say about the ups and downs of traveling in Europe with two small children, but right now we are struggling with some serious jet lag so I'm just going to share a few upcoming engagements:
- For the parenting blog crowd, it appears I am going to be on a dad panel with Jon Armstrong at next month's Mom 2.0 Summit in New Orleans (April 14-16, 2011). Not too much detail yet, but I expect Jon will be talking about the business side of dooce.com and I hope to discuss how this website has brought opportunities beyond ad income. If you are planning to attend the conference and you read this website, shoot me an e-mail to let me know.
- For any readers in Los Angeles, I have some photos in a show at the Cirrus Gallery (542 S. Alameda Street, near Little Tokyo and the Geffen Contemporary Museum (MOCA)) through April 16 with the wonderful Susan Logoreci and sculptor Dennis Oppenheim. Susan just sent me some photos from the opening and it looks like a really great exhibition and I really wish I could have been there.
- If you're in Atlanta there is still time to check out some of my photos and lot of other really beautiful work in "After the Suburbs" at the Kiang Gallery through March 27 (and don't miss the Julia Christensen lecture on March 16).
- We will be attending the Squam Art Workshops (SAW) in June at the incredible Rockywald/Deephaven camps on Squam Lake in New Hampshire. This time my wife and I will be speaking together at the opening ceremony, and she is very excited about also being able to attend the knitting and sewing workshops. Our daughter is incredibly excited to climb Rattlesnake Mountain again in the spring, and this year I am hoping to avoid any situation where I might need to be rescued.
- For those of you in Metro Detroit, I am going to be on a panel at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit called "Beyond Ruin Porn" on Saturday, April 9th, 12:00-2:00 p.m. as part of the ArtX Detroit/Kresge Arts Experience. I will be wearing my Hugh Hefner smoking jacket.
- Finally, if anyone in Detroit is as horrified as we are by this mob of laudanum-addled merchants, bespectacled and woolly-headed scenesters, delusional barristers and useless bar-stool occupiers planning to drive our beloved red dwarf out of Detroit on March 20, 2011, please e-mail me about joining the Friends of the Nain Rouge. We have something planned for those rabble-rousers that should put last year's protest to shame.